Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Demo: Keep Walking

Hey there everybody! Heres little original demo I've been working on for a few weeks and I finally feel like I can release it to the world. Its just an instrumental right now but I think you'll like it!

Let me know what you think.

 Keep Walking by gmay3

Monday, May 2, 2011

Justice Has Been Done

     Just last night, as I finished up some last minute studying for my final exam the next morning I got news that Osama Bin Laden had been killed by the United States. I was instantly overwhelmed with a mixed feeling of success, patriotism, and most importantly, hope. It was almost impossible to continue studying because I couldn't focus on anything other than what was truly important to me at that moment. As I continued the night blasting the National Anthem and other patriotic songs, I was filled with pride. The next day after the exam, I still couldn't think of anything else but the news. We finally got em!

     To fully appreciate the gravity of the events that had taken place the night before, I needed to bring myself back to my sixth grade class room when our class was first told what had happened to the World Trade Center. I remember how confused we were and how that day the teachers gave us a lesson they had never planned for. They taught us what a hijacking was and that terrorists were people that wanted to intimidate those by using fear and acts of senseless violence. Just like learning a new topic in math for the first time, we didn't understand it. When the teachers tried to answer our questions about what happened they struggled to find the words. We were used to the teachers having an answer to any question we could ask, and for the first time they had none. A little while longer we heard that everyone from our school was being evacuated because across the street was a government testing facility. Everyone was terrified. No one knew who was being targeted during these attacks and everyone felt that they were next.

     I remember coming home and seeing the towers burning on the television with people jumping from the 40th floor and not even being able to understand it. Smoke filled the air and people ran in the streets covered in ash. I was too innocent to realize what was going on. After a while, when all the news came in, we knew what had happened and where the planes had crashed. America, though hurting, stayed strong. Maybe even stronger than it had been before. We went to war, to stop the man who had planned the attacks which tainted our childhood. Everyone was bound together and a flag was flying at every house. As I got older I realized the full horrors of these attacks but I will never be able to understand the motivation behind them.

     Ten years later, we stopped him. We found a needle in the worlds biggest haystack the way only America could. No other country would have dedicated ten years of resources of to avenge those who died on September 11th and keep our country safe. As the flags start to fly in celebration today, take a moment to appreciate everyone who has served and is currently serving our country. As the country eventually mourned and moved on after September 11th seeing no hopeful outcome, their patriotism has never wavered since that horrific day. There are a lot of things to be said about America but for now I think I'll choose just one:

The strength of our country is the result of our commitment to each other, for each other. For that, I am proud to be an American.