Thursday, July 22, 2010

Provence Bourgogne: Dijon and Beaune

So 2 weekends ago, we went to the Bourgogne Provence of France. More specifically the towns Dijon and Beaune. We took the TGV (très grand vite or in english: very big fast!!) high speed train to get there. The TGV goes 300+ kilometers per hour or about 186 miles per hour. It was really cool to whiz through the beautiful country side of France. First, we walked around Dijon and one of the teachers at CIEE, our school here, gave us a big tour all around the town. We went to an open air market which was bumpin' on a saturday afternoon. It was also like 100 degrees which was not so fun. However we got to see a bunch of old historical buildings and churches. Also, mustard was obviously purchased. Chris and I ate lunch at McDonald's and it was so so good. I had a Big Mac and you better believe I 'had it my way' which coincidentally, is how they make it normally. Luckily for them I had it my way and we didn't have any beef, except that of which was between 3 buns. But I digress, Dijon was nice. We stayed in a really charming old hotel, so charming that I forgot to take pictures. So Dijon, it's worth a visit.

Also I took this picture in a church we visited in Dijon, I think its my favorite church picture so far, I really like the candles that are lit in the churches here. Très classe.

The next day we went to Beaune. Beaune is famous for 2 things, its colorfully tiled rooves, and its wine. We visited an old medieval chateau in the town pictured above, with very colorful tiles on its roof. After we toured around the town, which I think was nicer than Dijon, we went to a wine tasting. It was an interesting experience but I can't really say I know what is good wine and what isn't. That essentially wraps up my weekend trip. There were two main themes, extreme heat and very charming towns.

Sorry I'm going to update soon!

In the meantime enjoy this lovely sunset in the Marais section of Paris.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Very Medieval Weekend

Last weekend we went to the town of Provins, which is one of the most well preserved medieval town in Europe. When we got there it was raining but it didn't end up raining all day. Good thing I brought my umbrella! First we stopped in a cafe in town to get come coffee. There was a tv and on it was playing the Fireflies music video by Owl City. I felt welcome. After that, we took a tour through the underground tunnels from the 11th century? These tunnels were used in the production of fabric as well as a venue to hold secret meetings so that the current king would not know of their happenings. They also stored very primitive wine there. This town was where wine was first made and our tour guide made sure to inform us that it was extremely terrible! These tunnels were straight out of the first level of Oblivion where you escape from the castle. Spot on. So thats the best way I can describe it because we weren't allowed to take pictures. After that we ate lunch, duck more specifically. It was pretty good although I don't think I will make it a regular part of my diet. Afterwords, we went to explore the castle that is pictured above. It was really cool, and had a bunch of tiny stone spiral staircases to get to the top where there was an amazing view of the town.

During this week, we were starting new classes. Originally, I was going to take a class about the culture and architecture of Paris but after going the first day I realized how much I missed the french class I had taken last session. I had to make a quick decision about whether or not I wanted to take the second part of the intermediate class I had taken previously or the new class. Sorry if this is confusing, POINT IS, I decided to continue with the second part of my intermediate french class for the following reasons:

1. My teacher from Intermediate 2 is absolutely fantastic!
2. I want to continue to learn french and be able to use what I learn while I'm here.
3. The architecture class required some more unnecessary intense work compared to Intermediate 2. Such as 3-5 page papers and midterm and final.
4. The first thing the teacher said was, "Ok, we need to figure out how to pack a semesters worth of work into the next three weeks." I'LL PASS!
5. The Intermediate class is 4 people strong including myself so my chance for participation is plentiful. A bounty of participation. And if I may, a cornucopia of participation!
6. I learned a TON of french the first three weeks and I want to learn even more!

Ok so that's that.

Also this week I went shopping on the Champs Elysée with some friends. I got a button down for a great price and I am probably going to go back soon because its not often that a button down fits me as well as this one does. They are usually massive and reminiscent of MC Hammer's billowing shirts. Luckily, the french people are more towards the petit persuasion just like me so I plan to capitalize on this genetic disposition.

In other news, last night we all hung out in a room and watched the spain/germany game. We had a great dinner of rice, black beans, friend plantains, nutella and bread, champagne and guacamole! EPIC! Spain won, so on sunday its Holland vs. Spain! Should be a great game. This weekend we are going to Dijon so I will be sure to let you all know how that goes when I get around to blogging again. Ok I have stuff to do, peace!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Falafel, OM NOM NOM!

So yesterday we went on a bicycle tour of Paris after class. It was really nice, perfect weather, and really relaxing. Oh yeah and educational too. After that Robert and I went to the Marais section of Paris and got Falafel sandwiches. This was the first time I have had it and let me tell you, it is so awesome. Needless to say, I will be going back again sometime soon.

Today in class we went to the Saint-Germain section of Paris for a little tour with our teacher. Eventually we ended up at Eugene Delacroix's house which is now a museum. I think he is my favorite painter of what I have seen here so far. He also painted my current favorite painting that I saw in the Louvre which is in the blog post about the louvre below. After that I met up with KEITH my friend from Villanova that is currently an intern for BBC in London for the summer. Too cool! We went to Montmartre and walked around for a bit and saw the Sacre Coeur. We ended up climbing to the top, but with grappling hooks not stairs, thats how we do. There was an incredible view atop the highest tower and many pictures were taken. After that we went over to the Arc de Triumph and walked around a little with Chris. Now we will have to see what adventures the night brings!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Adventures in Paris

So this week is the last week of class. I had a test on grammar and culture of Paris on wednesday with I did a good American job on (which you can interpret how ever you want) Today I gave a presentation on Jazz in Paris in the 1940's. I'll spare you the boring details so let me just say that Jazz was bumpin' in the cafes throughout Paris in the 1940's. Miles Davis, Charlie Parker and all those folks. I walked around with Sebastien for 3 hours this week and had some good conversation in french and english. OK MAINLY in english again! You caught me. Later, we went to the Park in front of the Louvre and sat in front of the fountain. Sebastien just got a sweet moped a few days ago and he said that next time he would give me a ride if he got another helmet. SWEET! Another thing thats going on in Paris lately is LES SOLDES! Basically that means "the sales" in english and its comparable to Black Friday in the USA but lasts the entire month of July. Today I got a messenger bag for like $20 US that I really needed because there is no air conditioning anywhere in Paris pretty much and a backpack in the metro is really hot.

Yesterday my friends from Rouen in the picture from the previous post came to Paris just for les soldes so I met up with them in the city for about 2 hours and went to a outdoor cafe. They were asking all sorts of crazy questions about America, they are hilarious. I learned some new phrases in french too. It was good to see them again, they might come back another time while we are still here but it is a long train ride for them. Later tonight, we are going on a bike tour around Paris so that should be funsies.

You stay classy internet.