Thursday, July 1, 2010

Adventures in Paris

So this week is the last week of class. I had a test on grammar and culture of Paris on wednesday with I did a good American job on (which you can interpret how ever you want) Today I gave a presentation on Jazz in Paris in the 1940's. I'll spare you the boring details so let me just say that Jazz was bumpin' in the cafes throughout Paris in the 1940's. Miles Davis, Charlie Parker and all those folks. I walked around with Sebastien for 3 hours this week and had some good conversation in french and english. OK MAINLY in english again! You caught me. Later, we went to the Park in front of the Louvre and sat in front of the fountain. Sebastien just got a sweet moped a few days ago and he said that next time he would give me a ride if he got another helmet. SWEET! Another thing thats going on in Paris lately is LES SOLDES! Basically that means "the sales" in english and its comparable to Black Friday in the USA but lasts the entire month of July. Today I got a messenger bag for like $20 US that I really needed because there is no air conditioning anywhere in Paris pretty much and a backpack in the metro is really hot.

Yesterday my friends from Rouen in the picture from the previous post came to Paris just for les soldes so I met up with them in the city for about 2 hours and went to a outdoor cafe. They were asking all sorts of crazy questions about America, they are hilarious. I learned some new phrases in french too. It was good to see them again, they might come back another time while we are still here but it is a long train ride for them. Later tonight, we are going on a bike tour around Paris so that should be funsies.

You stay classy internet.

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