Thursday, July 22, 2010

Provence Bourgogne: Dijon and Beaune

So 2 weekends ago, we went to the Bourgogne Provence of France. More specifically the towns Dijon and Beaune. We took the TGV (très grand vite or in english: very big fast!!) high speed train to get there. The TGV goes 300+ kilometers per hour or about 186 miles per hour. It was really cool to whiz through the beautiful country side of France. First, we walked around Dijon and one of the teachers at CIEE, our school here, gave us a big tour all around the town. We went to an open air market which was bumpin' on a saturday afternoon. It was also like 100 degrees which was not so fun. However we got to see a bunch of old historical buildings and churches. Also, mustard was obviously purchased. Chris and I ate lunch at McDonald's and it was so so good. I had a Big Mac and you better believe I 'had it my way' which coincidentally, is how they make it normally. Luckily for them I had it my way and we didn't have any beef, except that of which was between 3 buns. But I digress, Dijon was nice. We stayed in a really charming old hotel, so charming that I forgot to take pictures. So Dijon, it's worth a visit.

Also I took this picture in a church we visited in Dijon, I think its my favorite church picture so far, I really like the candles that are lit in the churches here. Très classe.

The next day we went to Beaune. Beaune is famous for 2 things, its colorfully tiled rooves, and its wine. We visited an old medieval chateau in the town pictured above, with very colorful tiles on its roof. After we toured around the town, which I think was nicer than Dijon, we went to a wine tasting. It was an interesting experience but I can't really say I know what is good wine and what isn't. That essentially wraps up my weekend trip. There were two main themes, extreme heat and very charming towns.

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