Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Very Medieval Weekend

Last weekend we went to the town of Provins, which is one of the most well preserved medieval town in Europe. When we got there it was raining but it didn't end up raining all day. Good thing I brought my umbrella! First we stopped in a cafe in town to get come coffee. There was a tv and on it was playing the Fireflies music video by Owl City. I felt welcome. After that, we took a tour through the underground tunnels from the 11th century? These tunnels were used in the production of fabric as well as a venue to hold secret meetings so that the current king would not know of their happenings. They also stored very primitive wine there. This town was where wine was first made and our tour guide made sure to inform us that it was extremely terrible! These tunnels were straight out of the first level of Oblivion where you escape from the castle. Spot on. So thats the best way I can describe it because we weren't allowed to take pictures. After that we ate lunch, duck more specifically. It was pretty good although I don't think I will make it a regular part of my diet. Afterwords, we went to explore the castle that is pictured above. It was really cool, and had a bunch of tiny stone spiral staircases to get to the top where there was an amazing view of the town.

During this week, we were starting new classes. Originally, I was going to take a class about the culture and architecture of Paris but after going the first day I realized how much I missed the french class I had taken last session. I had to make a quick decision about whether or not I wanted to take the second part of the intermediate class I had taken previously or the new class. Sorry if this is confusing, POINT IS, I decided to continue with the second part of my intermediate french class for the following reasons:

1. My teacher from Intermediate 2 is absolutely fantastic!
2. I want to continue to learn french and be able to use what I learn while I'm here.
3. The architecture class required some more unnecessary intense work compared to Intermediate 2. Such as 3-5 page papers and midterm and final.
4. The first thing the teacher said was, "Ok, we need to figure out how to pack a semesters worth of work into the next three weeks." I'LL PASS!
5. The Intermediate class is 4 people strong including myself so my chance for participation is plentiful. A bounty of participation. And if I may, a cornucopia of participation!
6. I learned a TON of french the first three weeks and I want to learn even more!

Ok so that's that.

Also this week I went shopping on the Champs Elysée with some friends. I got a button down for a great price and I am probably going to go back soon because its not often that a button down fits me as well as this one does. They are usually massive and reminiscent of MC Hammer's billowing shirts. Luckily, the french people are more towards the petit persuasion just like me so I plan to capitalize on this genetic disposition.

In other news, last night we all hung out in a room and watched the spain/germany game. We had a great dinner of rice, black beans, friend plantains, nutella and bread, champagne and guacamole! EPIC! Spain won, so on sunday its Holland vs. Spain! Should be a great game. This weekend we are going to Dijon so I will be sure to let you all know how that goes when I get around to blogging again. Ok I have stuff to do, peace!

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