Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Blog is Back!

Wait, people actually read this? And ENJOY IT?! This little exchange of exclamatory expressions have been forced from your truly ever since I have gotten back from Paris oh so many months ago. Dozens of people have come up to me saying they loved the blog, something I can't believe haha. So I guess in a way that has inspired me to continue. I've realized that I really enjoyed writing these blogs and want to get back to them. But here's a few more reasons why I decided to bring the blog back from its well deserved summer to fall vacation.

There is something valuable about putting your thoughts down on paper, or blogspot paper to reflect on. In the slump of classes it helps me see some progress from week to week from a perspective that is less focused on academics and more focused on my actual life. There actually is life going on besides classes, I know I know, it's hard to believe.

Another reason is that it keeps me motivated to keep my life bumpin' and interesting enough to have stuff that is worth while to post on here!

So this is just an intro and welcome back, or maybe even a welcome for the first time post, but I have lots of interesting stuff to write about that has been going on lately so I'm not going to limit updating this blog to just a certain day of the week that I'll be posting, I'm just going to wing it and go with the flow. Speaking of flow, try this on for size:

While my posts are definitely going to be random in nature, I'm thinking of focusing of a few main topics:

Numero Uno, my music.
If you know me, you know I'm all about it. Listening to it, playing it, making it. I love it and I hope to be sharing some of it with you on here very soon.

Numero Dos?(I didn't take spanish...the truth finally comes out!)
Service Projects

Habitat and such as well as a new project called Power Up Gambia I'll be telling you about soon.

I love fishes cause their so delicious,

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