Friday, June 11, 2010

Continuation of Yesterday SLASH Friday Morning

So yesterday we took the Metro to the study center in the 2nd arrondissement which is where we will be studying and taking our classes during the week. We had several presentations there about what is in all of the different arrondissements in Paris and then we ate lunch. I almost ordered everything right in french, but I realized that when I have been ordering a bottle of water (which has been like every time I ate) I have been using the wrong word for bottle! French 1 Gerry 0 oh well. But everything is going well, my french seems to be coming back much faster than I had expected to which is pretty awesome. After lunch we went out on a little tour of the area around our study center and got a prepaid cell phone. I don't think I will be putting my number up because the cost for anyone to call it outside of france would not be worth the expense. However, feel free HOLLA BACK on Skype at gerrymayer17 send me an IM at cybrswmage or email me at or comment below! ANYWAY....After that we went on le bateau mouche (paris tour boats) in the Seine. This started near the eiffel tower and went around to Notre Dame. Good thing I forgot to bring my camera! But I guess those are the most photographed things in the city anyway so feel free to check them out at if you want to see some pictures. And you can just pretend I took them; see what I did there? :D After that we made out way back to the hotel and then had a fantastic dinner at a nearby restaurant filled with good conversation and excellent company! (a one, two punch combination of epic win) Everyone is starting to open up a little more, myself included. Afterwords we hung out in the hotel rooms and I even got to meet Bobby Bottleservice! Night made.


Had a great breakfast in the hotel this morning. I want to especially make note that the cappuccino that comes out of a machine is better that any I have had in the states. lolz

Today we are going to Montmatre for a scavenger hunt and then later tonight the first French world cup game will be on which I'm really excited for! There are a few options of what we are going to do for the game, either go to the eiffel tower where there are HUGE screens set up to watch it or go to a bar and watch it with the locals. I think both would be awesome so I will be sure to let you know what happened tomorrow.


  1. I am happy to see that you have kicked off your adventure. I will follow your Blog until the ratio of English words to French words ratio falls below 70%. Then I will have exhausted my slim knowledge of French. But in the meantime, I will enjoy your musings.

    Je n'aurais aucune idée comment commander une bouteille de l'eau correctement. Je suis plus de l'école GaGa de dame de la langue.

    Be safe mon ami. -Ed Dougherty
