Tuesday, June 22, 2010

La fête de la Musique

So yesterday was the first day of Summer and in celebration of this nice warm 58ºF day, France was hosting several little concerts all over. Most of which are in Paris. A friend and I met up with Sébastien in the Jardin Luxembourg where there was some irish music and also some spanish music. It was pretty cool but we wanted to see if there was other music near the Eiffel Tower. There wasn't any there for some reason so we just walked around and talked in english and french. Ok..mainly english. We also were told to move because some people were filming a movie. No one would tell us what movie they were filming or who was there. That probably means the 4th Bourne Movie. Because Matt Damon's cover can't be blown. EVER!

After that we headed back to the hotel and there was a DOPE Rap Concert poppin' off right outside the hotel. Tons of people were there. After making an very interesting dinner (pasta, you know!) I headed out to check out the concert and get down with my bad self. As my roommate Robert put it, the bass was undeniable. An other thing that was undeniable is the lack of actual performers on stage. Unless of course Snoop Dogg and Ludacris were actually there and I just didn't see them because I'm 4 feet small! After a little while of listening, and when I realized I was the only white kid wearing a Flogging Molly shirt at hip hop concert, I peaced. MTV's presentation of "Shake Ton Booty" was a little to real for me.

Highlight of the Day:
When Jay-Z's music was playing and french people threw up the Hova handsign. Biggest smile all day haha.

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