Saturday, June 12, 2010

Paris is awesome

Well to start, yesterday we went to Monmatre where you will find le Sacre Coeur. So thats where we headed first and it was amazing. It is on top of a hill so you have to climb an almost Rocky Balboa amount of stairs to get to it. When you get to the top you turn around and get an amazing view of Paris. This is where the picture taking began. I wanted to capture as much of the beautiful architecture of the church as possible because I've seen nothing like it before. However the inside of the church is equally amazing, there are thousands of little candles around the church it was like getting a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs, you would not believe your eyes either! I also thought that it was really neat that even though there was probably like 500 people inside either praying or walking around it was completely silent.

Next we went to the main part of the town where there were streets upon streets of picturesque little shops, cafe's, and houses. So 120 pictures later I realized that I couldn't take any more because everything I looked at was picture worthy. Awesomeness Overload. After that a few of us took the metro to go grocery shopping and then walked back a mile or two to our apartment. Later on I made some dinner for a few of us, pasta to be more specific, and then left for the eiffel tower to watch the France/Uruguay football match with basically all of Paris gathered outside. There was a huge screen set up in front of the eiffel tower and it was pretty surreal to be part of the crowd. Especially when it started to get darker and the eiffel tower had a light show that made it sparkle in the background right next to the screen. Even though the game wasn't very interesting with a final score of 0-0, it was a great time. Afterwords everyone rushed the metro and it was packed. When we were walking through the underground tunnel to get to the platform everyone started yelling and clapping and slapping the wall which was hilarious because it was so loud and full of life. People were running through the crowd with french flags and going crazy for no reason at all. I like it. We were on the metro and suddenly 2 guys ran on to the train which at first made me think they were running to make the train, but no, one guy had apparently pick pocketed the guy chasing him who was trying to get back his stolen phone. Needless to say, he got it back.


  1. I love this blog, Gerry!
    Be sure to take a picture of yourself with the Virgin Mary - she has to be around there somewhere.

  2. Thanks Caitlin I'll be sure do find her, probably weeping or something.. lol
